Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Signing Off, Over and Out

Your two favoritest guest bloggers are signing off (for now) but not forever. We had so much fun with Kinton in New York. Truly, the little Santa Barbara wine that could, overtook the scene in just a week. To recreate these events at your home simply open a few bottles of Kinton Syrah and pair it with:

Fromage D'Affenois, herbed fines, and pair with a Blenheim Apricot/Green Curry Chutney over plain baguette crostinis.
Slow Roast 1lb Apricots on a baking sheet (150 degrees for 3-4 hours). Let cool. In a large bowl, add 3 tblsp brown sugar, 3 tblsp honey, 3 tblsp. green curry powder and a splash of apple juice. Slowly add in Apricts. Toss to coat and spoon over the D'Affenois. A delicate blend of international spicy with downhome sweetness. Unusual and Unexpected.


Cashel Blue Cheese, and pair with Walnut/Honey/Black Currant Chau Chau over water crackers.
Simply, blend equal amounts of honey, fresh cracked walnuts and dried black currants. A pinch of coarse sea salt and cracked pepper will add a new dimension to the chau chau. Layer over the Blue Cheese for a tangy blend of stinky and sweet. Of savory and fruity. Perfect for the roundness of the Syrah.

Delicious! Happy Entertaining!!


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